Elite Blog

Balance Can Make the Difference

The ability to balance may seem like second nature to some but it is extremely valuable to every age group. While it may not be on top of most people’s […]

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Vitamin C: Does it Help Prevent Colds?

The Relationship Between Vitamin C and Cold Prevention Every cold and flu season, you might see ads or hear rumors that suggest taking high doses of Vitamin C will prevent […]

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Control the Ball and Pile up the Wins!

Learning how to control the spin on your tennis shots will give you a greater edge over your opponent in a match. Here are some tips from a tennis pro […]

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What Makes an Athlete Great?

Every young athlete has a dream of becoming the next big star in their respective sport. But how do the world’s greatest athletes reach the upper echelon? Let’s look at […]

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How to Avoid Temptation Around the Holidays

The holiday season, also known as the season of extra calories, is upon us. Everywhere you turn you’re bombarded with cookies, candy, chocolate, appetizers, drinks, and more! Most Americans gain […]

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Empowering You to Make a Positive Change

We have the power to create positive change in our lives. Let’s empower each other to have the motivation and spirit necessary to make the worst things into the best […]

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10 Indoor Workouts to Do During Winter

Indoor Workouts Perfect for the Cold Weather While some people look forward to winter, many others aren’t a fan of the cold weather. The snow and biting temperatures are enough […]

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The Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Exercise

Certain alcoholic beverages may have some health benefits, ranging from wine’s positive influence on insulin sensitivity and beer’s positive association with bone density when consumed in low to moderate amounts. […]

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