Elite Blog

Staying on Track with Your New Years Resolutions

We’re a few weeks into the New Year and many folks find themselves already struggling to maintain momentum on their New Years resolutions. Surveys show that 80% of all New […]

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What’s the Deal With Plant-Based Meats?

Despite the long history of plant-based meats and burgers, they are receiving a lot more attention recently. This is due to the increasing similarity they have to their meat-based competitors. […]

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5 Healthy Lunches for a Healthy New Year

Here at Elite we fully believe a healthy outside starts from the inside, and the key to a healthy lifestyle is good nutrition. Here are some easy healthy lunches you can […]

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4 New Workout Classes to Try This Winter

Stuck in the same exercise routine? Then it’s time to change things up! If you’re accustomed to running on the treadmill or lifting weights on your own, we’d highly recommend […]

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Never Miss Twice When Your Diet Gets Off Track

Which diet is the best? The is simple – whichever eating pattern you will stick with. The most important thing is to choose an eating style that complements your lifestyle, […]

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How Our Saltwater Pools Work

Our saltwater pools are less harsh on hair and skin than typical chemically treated pools. But how does a saltwater filtration system clean the pool? Get ready for a science […]

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Quick Snow Day Workout

Does the weather have you stuck inside the house? Are you still trying to get in a workout from the comfort of your own home? There is plenty of time […]

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Try These Foods to Improve Your Mood

Feeling down this winter? This condition, known as seasonal affective disorder, is common due to the lack of sunlight. There are a number of things you can do to counteract […]

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