Elite Blog

Fight Anemia with These Iron-Rich Foods

There are many important components of blood, one of them being iron. Your body needs iron in order to make hemoglobin, which is a part of red blood cells responsible […]

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Member Stories: Derek Chappell

Derek Chappell has been a member of Elite Sports Clubs for over fifteen years. Throughout the years, he has worked on himself physically and mentally, as well as working on […]

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Getting Fit for February

February is American Heart Month, a national initiative that educates and encourages everyone to engage in behaviors good for heart health. February is also the month where love is in […]

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Let’s Talk About Alcohol: Why You Should Imbibe In Moderation

Coming home after a long, stressful day of work and pouring a drink is a very typical habit in our society. It helps us relax and makes us feel good. […]

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4 Ways to Take a Leap This Year

It’s still early in the year which means you still have plenty of time to get started with some of those new year’s resolutions. But…do you really? Oftentimes people like […]

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3 Benefits of Hot Yoga

Turn up the heat with a hot yoga class at Elite Sports Clubs! Yoga is traditionally a spiritual practice with the goal of attaining greater control over one’s body and […]

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What Diet Will Work For You?

Imagine someone in your life. Now imagine that you’re going to wear their clothes for a day. Chances are, that day isn’t going to be comfortable. Whether it be a […]

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5 Ways to Hit the Reset Button on Your Health

If you’ve fallen off the wagon or are a novice to wellness, you might not know where to begin when it comes to changing your habits. Here’s a simple list […]

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