Topic: Wellness

Navigating Your 30s: The Silent Awkward Stage and How to Find Balance

“Everything I know I learned after I was thirty.” -Georges Clemenceau When we think of growing up, and the many awkward moments that accompany us for years, adolescence often comes to […]

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7 Reasons You DON’T Need to "Start" on a Monday

Does this sound familiar? You snuck a donut from the office café, then decided to have an extra serving of pasta for dinner, then thought, “It’s okay, I will start […]

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20 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health and Wellness

Have you ever just sat down and said to yourself, “I need to become happier and healthier.” Seems like a pretty vague statement, doesn’t it? When you take on such […]

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Superfoods to Maximize Your Recovery After Injury

Experiencing an injury can be devastating, not only physically but also, emotionally.  Injury catches us completely off-guard and can even stop the best of athletes dead in their tracks.  Often, […]

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12 Tips for Working Out in the Morning

There are many benefits to working out in the morning: You feel more alert, you are more productive throughout the day, it boosts your metabolism, can counter overeating, and the […]

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Surviving the Play Date : A How-to for More Fun and Less Stress

The other day, I was getting ready for my son’s first play date.  You would have thought I was hosting a wedding.  I cleaned the house like I’ve never cleaned […]

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50+ Healthy Meals for Two

Let’s face it, eating out with your significant other is convenient. There’s no grocery shopping, no preparation, and no clean up. Sounds like the perfect scenario, right? Wrong! While some restaurants […]

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8 Tips to Sleep Better Tonight

In today’s fast-paced world, a good night’s sleep is often elusive. From demanding work schedules to the distractions of modern technology, many of us struggle to achieve quality rest on […]

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