Topic: Wellness

4 Practical Ways to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

Celebrate the holiday and still fit into your clothes come January! Here are some tricks of the trade!

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Say “No Thank You” to Those Holiday Pounds

It’s that time of the year. The time when it seems like you are eating one carb-loaded, fat-filled, yet delicious, holiday meal after another. Perhaps last year you enjoyed the […]

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A Healthier You: Finding Wisdom in Winters

Wisdom Comes with Winters –Oscar Wilde The first time I came across this quote was in high school.  It was the topic of a college entrance essay to which I […]

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Proven Stress Busting Tips

Stress is our body’s natural reaction to a challenge or demand, but can be harmful to our bodies if it lasts too long or occurs too frequently. Here are some […]

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Turkey is Not Just for Thanksgiving

Now that this particular holiday is over, do you plan on putting the turkey roaster away until next year?! Many people may feel this way, but according to the National Grocers […]

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It’s Time to Put the "Magic" Back Into Motivation

“Things do not change. We change.” – Henry David Thoreau, Author/Philosopher There are many accomplishments for which I am proud.  Landing my first real job, receiving my Masters Degree, cultivating […]

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Take Time to Make Time

“I’M UP”! I haven’t used an alarm clock in 4 years and 310 days.  I no longer need one because my four- year-old daughter makes certain that I rise between […]

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Your Fitness is in Your Hands

Fitness has never been quite so literally in the palm of your hands. With devices being so smart that they can keep track of almost anything, why not have them […]

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