Topic: Wellness

Back to Work: Tips for a Smooth (and even Joyful) Transition for New Moms

For many women, the only thing scarier than being a first-time Mom is returning to work after a maternity leave that seems more like 6 days rather than the average 6-12 […]

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How to Stay Healthy and Fit at the Office

Did you know that those who work desk jobs are more likely to lose muscle tone, experience back pain, gain weight, and suffer from high amounts of stress? People who […]

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Working from Home: A Delicate Balance

Imagine.  After searching for a little over a year, you land a job for which you are a perfect fit.  It’s an exciting field, your co-workers share your passion for […]

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Could Stress Be Hindering Your Health?

Stress is such an interesting phenomenon.  It’s rarely pleasant, and often prevents us from living our lives to our fullest potential.  Everyone experiences stress at some point each day to […]

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How to Avoid Weight Gain When You’re In Love

You wake up and the birds are chirping, the sunlight is beaming through your windows, and you feel like you’re in one of those glorious Folger’s commercials. Congratulations, my friend, […]

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Progress in Your Yoga Practice

There are endless amounts of benefits of practicing yoga. Yoga has become more popular yet many men (and women) consider yoga to be for women. At Elite I have seen […]

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How to Support Your Partner’s Weight Loss

Picture this: Your thoughtful neighbor from across the street decides to make some delicious, but not-so-healthy, donuts for you and your significant other. By the end of the week, there […]

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5 Ways Women Can Protect Their Hearts

Just as women are different in build than men, so are their hearts different. However for years physicians seemed to feel that men were more prone to heart attacks than […]

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