Tagged: aging

What is Red Light Therapy?

What is red light therapy? Elite Sports Clubs has been offering red light therapy for many years, but if you have not tried it yourself, you may not know much […]

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Metabolism Changes as We Age

As we age, many people blame weight gain on a slowing metabolism. While it is true that metabolism does decrease slightly with age, there are many other factors influencing aging […]

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Fitness Over 50 – How Active Older Adults Can Stay Fit

As we age, the joints begin to wear down, the impact and insults of time add up, and we tend to want to slow down, or even stop working out. […]

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Training Power As We Age

Training for power, as opposed to just training for strength, adds a time element. Think of power training as high-speed strength. Power training focuses on the speed of the weight […]

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Active Grandkids – Five Ways to Keep Up!

Staying active and keeping up with your grandkids is essential when you become a grandparent. Being a grandparent is an honor. It’s a fun and exciting time. But grandkids can […]

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Staying Social As We Age

So many aspects of life tend to change as the years go by. But we’re here to tell you that there’s no reason to go it alone! This post calls […]

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Foods That Are Better with Age

Just as wisdom is earned and increases with age, certain foods gain flavor and nutritional value with age. Let’s take a look at a number of aged foods that fall […]

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How To Handle a Midlife Crisis

We’ve talked a bit this month about “aging gracefully.” On the face of the topic, it’s easy to narrowcast the conversation toward older audiences, where it might be appropriate to […]

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Passing Healthy Habits To Future Generations

They say “habits last a life time.” But what happens if bad habits rub off on future generations? Establishing healthy habits for your own good may also set an example […]

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Healthy Eating Pattern Through the Years

As we age, our bodies change. Therefore, so do our nutritional requirements. Here is a general guide for how to eat right for your age.

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