Topic: Wellness

8 Quick And Clever Ways To Cool Down After Your Workout

So you just worked out, and your body feels the heat of a thousand suns. Lucky for you, we are here to help with 8 quick and clever ways to […]

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Everybody Sweats: The Science of Sweat & Why It’s Good for You

Oh yes, everyone sweats! And while it may suck that on a hot day wearing a grey shirt is not going to happen, sweat is actually a very healthy thing […]

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6 Tips for Keeping Your Cool This Summer

It is hot outside! The temperature is definitely on the rise, so to keep the heat from melting your summer workouts check out these tips!

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Simple Steps to Stop Roller Coaster Dieting

It’s a typical pattern: you start dieting, commit to a daily routine of elliptical and weights, maybe join a challenge or a boot camp—but pretty soon, you’re having happy hour Mojitos […]

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Beyond the Finish Line: Creating Motivation Through Curiosity

What’s your motivation?  Really, stop right now and think about it.  What makes you open your eyes in the morning, and put one foot in front of the other as […]

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5 Reasons to Mix Business with Fitness

When planning a business meeting, the ideas that usually come to mind are getting lunch, grabbing drinks, or meeting up for a cup of coffee. But recently a new trend […]

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Play Every Day for a Healthier You & Your Family

Remember when you were a kid, how carefree you were, and perhaps your only worries were whether you’d make the team for a game of kickball, baseball or whatever game […]

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10 Ways to Incorporate Play Into Your Day

Just because you’re not a kid anymore doesn’t mean all fun and play should go out the window. Adding play–physical and mental–into your day will relieve stress, improve brain function, […]

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