Elite Blog

The Future Of Nutrition

The future of nutrition is not grounded in food alone. In fact according to Marc David, the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, we should consider 4 […]

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How to Feel Great Every Day with Stretching

In the past few months, I’ve been working one on one with a physical therapy mentor who has been teaching me the ins and outs of manual stretch therapy. We […]

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Food Products to Make the "Healthy Life" More Convenient

Every couple of weeks there are new foods products that are convenient and easy for you to use to help you work towards that healthy life! Take a look at these […]

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Is the Future of Tennis in Danger?

In America, we face the sad truth that the future of tennis may be in danger. With a lack of young kids showing interest in the sport, we face the extinction of the […]

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Ski Prep Workout

Without a doubt, skiing requires proper training ahead of time to enjoy yourself as well as avoiding injury on the slopes. Whether you are a beginner or a competitive athlete, the following […]

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How to Make Classic Saffron Rice

Many families, including mine, will have classic delicious recipes for their holidays that they can count on being a success for their wonderful, familiar taste. Such is the way for […]

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Instructor Highlight: Christy Beckmann

Some of you may know Christy Beckmann in her role as a member services representative and operations manager at Elite Sports Club – West Brookfield. Others may now know her […]

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Your Healthy Snack Isn’t So Healthy

Treating yourself to a nice healthy salad for a snack today? Too bad that ranch dressing has 145 calories per serving and 15 grams of fat. Watch out for items like this […]

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