Elite Blog

Lazy Day Workout Backup Plan

Whether it be from stress, having too much on your plate, or plain old lack of motivation, some days are just tougher than others.

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3 Misleading Food Labels You Need to Understand

With the move towards higher quality food items, many of us can be confused about the way our foods are described today on packaging food labels and through advertising. Here’s […]

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Staff Highlight: Linda Fassbender

As Elite recently celebrated turning 30, we also want to celebrate our amazing staff, particularly those who dedicate their time to Elite’s youngest members. Linda Fassbender has been working at […]

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Sticking With It: 10 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to health, there’s no such thing as a quick fix. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment that will increase your chance at longevity and help ward off certain chronic diseases and long-term illnesses.

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How Travel Can Make You a Better Parent, Friend, and Person

In the months leading up to a much anticipated “girls trip” to Miami, I prepared how any other 36-year-old mother of two would for travel. Pinterest became my instant go-to […]

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Why are Antibiotics in My Food and are They Harmful?

Never before have Americans asked for more pure, safe, and clean foods products than they have in recent years. The sale of these products has increased by 25% in recent […]

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The Future of Fitness on Your Wallet

Spaceships, hover boards, and the iPhone 7 are hard on the wallet. But something else that can get pricey is your fitness routine.

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When Should You Choose Organic Produce: Dirty Dozen & Clean 15

Many members ask about whether or not they should be choosing organic produce. Years ago, organic fruits and vegetables were expensive and often unavailable in the grocery store compared to the regular […]

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