Topic: Motivation

Keep Your Fitness Routine While On Vacation

We are creatures of habit and whether if it’s for vacation or business, at some point we leave the comfort of our personal daily routine. This could be a quick […]

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Reasons Why People Give Up on Their Resolutions

At this point in the year, most people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Here are some of the main reasons why.

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Five Tips To Prepare For Vacation

When we go on vacation, sometimes we lose track of our goals. Some indulging is good for the soul, but when it becomes too much we have a problem. Vacation […]

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Challenge Yourself to Better Yourself

Our lives are busy, which makes it easy for us to overlook the need for growth. When we are comfortable with our lives we tend to take the easy route […]

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A Healthy Mind Creates Good Habits

How we handle stress, understand others, and make choices is determined by our mental health. Mental health affects how we think, feel, and act. A positive healthy mind will allow […]

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Simple Guidance to Stop Bingeing

At one point in our lives we have either binged on food, television, spending money, drinking, etc. Sometimes we don’t even mean to lose control. When we lose control, that […]

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Get Rid of Bad Habits Through Moderation

Habits involve different lifestyle choices. Examples of lifestyle choices could be alcohol consumption, technology use, diet, exercise and smoking. Moderation is important for any healthy lifestyle. Too much of anything […]

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Treat Every Month Like January

January marks the start of a new year, and for many that means taking on New Year’s resolutions. During those first several weeks in January, we’re inspired to make a […]

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