Topic: Wellness

Making Lifestyle Changes That Last

The beginning of the new year marks the time that many folks decide to eat better and make healthy lifestyle changes. You’re feeling motivated to start fresh, the days are […]

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10 Quick Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

Isn’t it sad how much time we spend putting ourselves down? Our negative thoughts about ourselves can bleed into all aspects of our lives, creating the environment for being less […]

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The Power of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle does more than affect your physical appearance. Making healthy choices every day will also increase your chance at longevity and strengthen your emotional health.

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Getting Started on a Fitness Journey

So, you’re ready to get started in a fitness journey? But what’s the first step? Here’s some advice on how to set goals and find success on this new path you’re […]

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15 Little Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier You

Diets and fitness fads aren’t built to last. Making subtle changes to your everyday life will turn into regular lifestyle habits that will. Celebrate the New Year with these 15 […]

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Are Your Holiday Expectations Realistic?

So we are off today with our list of things we hope to accomplish by year’s end! Buy some groceries for a special meal, some last minute packages to prepare […]

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Remember These 5 Things When You’re Trying to Make a Change

Continuing where we left off last week, our focus is on how to make changes in your life to incorporate fitness and wellness. Sometimes during this process, it’s easy to […]

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The Science Behind Trying New Things

It’s not easy to break out of your regular routine. Having a steady, consistent schedule is like chilling in your favorite sweats on a lazy day; it’s comfortable. But it’s […]

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