Topic: Wellness

The 30 Year History Of Dieting

Dieting. Who loves dieting? You? No? If you do you’re probably in the minority. However we’ve all probably tried to diet at some point. And speaking of some point, ever wonder […]

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The Crazy Amazing Things Your Body Can Do

Everyday we wake up, take a breath, blink, and think. Your body is miraculous in what it can do. We walk on our legs, speak with our mouths, we even carry tiny […]

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How to End Back Pain Now

Back pain is one of the main reasons people go to a doctor and miss hours at work. In fact, back pain has a tremendous influence on business and productivity. […]

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Best Ways to Measure Overall Health

Trying to get a grasp on how healthy you are is hard. It’s easy to measure your health just by stepping on a scale, but that shouldn’t be your only […]

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Eat These Foods to Fight Summertime Cold or Flu

We don’t expect to get the flu or a cold during the summer, but according to reports from the CDC, Center for Disease Control, we are just as liable during the […]

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Healthy Rewards for Being Healthy

Congratulations! This week you did a great job working on your health and wellness. Don’t you think you deserve a reward? But perhaps we should make those healthy rewards… Maybe […]

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Break Through the Binge

Now that it’s summer time, the kids are out of school and ready to have an amazing time this summer. But it turns out, most of them will spend it on […]

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You’ll WANT to Hit the Gym After This!

“Ugh.” – Everyone’s response to going to the gym. But we assure you, by the time you get to the end of this post…you’ll be halfway out your door with […]

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