Topic: Wellness

The Future Of Nutrition

The future of nutrition is not grounded in food alone. In fact according to Marc David, the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, we should consider 4 […]

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How to Feel Great Every Day with Stretching

In the past few months, I’ve been working one on one with a physical therapy mentor who has been teaching me the ins and outs of manual stretch therapy. We […]

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Simple Tips for Getting in Control of Arthritis and Back to the Gym

My best friend just told me that she has arthritis and was pretty concerned about what to do next, as she really wants to keep playing tennis three times a […]

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The Ample Rewards of Being Healthy

We love to think of rewards as tangible things. A bike, a car, a new purse, or maybe even a meal or a snack. What we don’t often think about, is […]

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Get Rewarded for Being Fit with These Apps

Wouldn’t it be nice to get rewarded for every 10,000 steps you took? Or maybe it would be nice to get a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ for finishing a tough workout. Well luckily, […]

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Seniors: Keep the Pace Going with Diet & Exercise

Being aware of what you eat and its overall importance to a healthy life is necessary at any age. Often seniors will mention to me that, they “don’t really need […]

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You Need the Right Kind of Treat

You work hard, you need to “treat yo’ self.” Now don’t run and grab an ice cream cone. That is just going to throw a wrench into everything you worked […]

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How To Reward Yourself At The Finish Line

We like to think that when we finish a workout it’s time for a treat. An ice cream, a chocolate bar, a burrito, you name it. But the real reward […]

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