Workout Recovery with HydroMassage
Working out is only one component of getting fit. The other component is recovery. You need to give your body ample time to repair tissue in order to build muscle. […]
Continue ReadingWorking out is only one component of getting fit. The other component is recovery. You need to give your body ample time to repair tissue in order to build muscle. […]
Continue ReadingSatisfy your sweet tooth as well as get some great nutrients with this Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Banana Smoothie recipe! This smoothie is not only delicious, but it is a […]
Continue ReadingSummer months in Wisconsin are a great time to get outdoors and get workouts in while it is sunny and warm. Not only do people’s outdoor workouts pick up, but […]
Continue ReadingOne of the biggest things Elite Sports Clubs focuses on is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While, all sports have their own set of recovery methods, in this article, we focus […]
Continue ReadingI’m writing this with tired eyes and exhausted body…Yesterday was a particularly rough one, starting at 5 am and continuing until 7:15 pm. Three classes, clients through lunch, and just […]
Continue ReadingSo you just ate a whole box of chocolates or sleeve of red velvet Oreos with your Valentine’s Day sweetie…now what? I’m a sweets kinda gal. Just love em! And […]
Continue ReadingWe’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise […]
Continue ReadingAs the newest member of the Elite trainers team, I thought it might be relevant to outline the path that helped facilitate my participation in a lifestyle of health and […]
Continue ReadingRest and recovery are as just as important as exercise. Time off allows your body and mind to fully recover and grow. Here are some tips recommended by the experts:
Continue ReadingIt was on a Sunday in June four years ago that Mark Shultz, a member at Elite Sports Club-River Glen, found himself face down in the dirt of his own lawn. “I […]
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