Topic: Fitness & Training

7 Exercises to Do During Commercials

You finally decided that it’s time to take charge of your health and you’re willing to put in the work to lose weight and gain strength—fantastic! But wait, you love to […]

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Do You Actually Need Gym Equipment and a Trainer to Stay in Shape?

Muscle withers away if you’re not constantly building it, and muscle withers faster as we age. Waning muscle mass gives way to fat gain, stiff joints, stumbling and bumbling balance, […]

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What Do You Know About Glycemic Index?

The body uses glucose, and blood glucose levels reflect the readily available energy supply for exercise. If glucose levels drop due to fast depletion (i.e. one’s glycogen stores), the athlete […]

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6 Strength Training Exercises You Should Try Today!

Strength training and building muscle are essential parts of a healthy and fit lifestyle. Many studies have shown that the more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. […]

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Beginner’s Guide to Working Out at a Health Club

If you’ve never been to a health club before, it can be a pretty daunting experience. It is completely normal to feel a bit of anxiety – and mistakes are expected. […]

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Why You Should Start Swimming for Exercise

After an invigorating workout full of sweat (and maybe some tears), you feel great. Your blood is pumping, you have more energy, and you feel as if you can take […]

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10 Easy and Effective Ways to Become More Active

We have all heard this,  “A body in motion stays in motion, a body in rest stays at rest.”  The concept, as much as it probably goes in one ear and out […]

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Navigating Your 30s: The Silent Awkward Stage and How to Find Balance

“Everything I know I learned after I was thirty.” -Georges Clemenceau When we think of growing up, and the many awkward moments that accompany us for years, adolescence often comes to […]

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