7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

Sometimes our busy schedules and life’s unpredictable moments can’t help but get in the way of our fitness routine. But just because you can’t make that hour-long yoga class, you can still see positive results from doing 10-15 minutes of yoga moves every day.

Remember, there is no finish line in our health and wellness journey. Every little bit counts!

Yoga is an amazing way to wake up your body and get your energy flowing. Here are 7 yoga moves and stretches you should do every day for the rest of your life!

Pelvic Tilts

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

This move is great for the lower back! Repeat for 10 – 20 reps to ease your stiff and hurting back.

Pigeon Pose

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

This is a great move for opening and stretching your hips. Hold pose for 10 to 20 breaths.

Note: Using a block may make this pose more comfortable for you.

Cat-Cow Stretch

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

This stretch is great for warming up your spine! It extends movement along your entire spine and helps wake up your whole body. Repeat 5-10 reps.

Downward Dog 

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

This is a fantastic full-body pose. Make sure you are lifting your knees away from the floor while keeping your arms straight, and lifting your tailbone up. Stretch your heels toward the floor – you will feel a wonderful hamstring stretch. Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths (30-60 seconds).

Note: If you’re a beginner you can bend at the knees if needed.

Camel Pose

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

Now that we’ve worked the back of the body, it’s time to work the front. The Camel Pose releases energy from your threat, chest, and heart. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Note: This is more of an intermediate to advanced pose. Adjust as needed and work your way up to it. 

Warrior One

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

This pose will stretch your back and lower body. Hod for 30-60 seconds with each leg.

Tree Pose

7 Yoga Moves and Stretches You Should Do Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

This standing pose improves balance and strengthens your legs. Hold for 1-2 minutes then switch legs. Remember to focus on your breathing!

Note: You can keep your hands in front of your chest or fully extend them above your head.

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