Topic: Fitness & Training

Indoor Cycling: The Perfect Winter Workout

We all know how unpredictable Wisconsin weather can be. While exercising outdoors has its benefits, the weather still limits the types of exercises you can perform. Even for the avid […]

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Stop Saying Tomorrow

Establishing and maintaining lifestyle changes can be challenging. The perceived difficulty alone can discourage us from ever even attempting to change our behaviors. However, success can be found through a […]

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Getting Fit for February

February is American Heart Month, a national initiative that educates and encourages everyone to engage in behaviors good for heart health. February is also the month where love is in […]

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3 Benefits of Hot Yoga

Turn up the heat with a hot yoga class at Elite Sports Clubs! Yoga is traditionally a spiritual practice with the goal of attaining greater control over one’s body and […]

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Staying on Track with Your New Years Resolutions

We’re a few weeks into the New Year and many folks find themselves already struggling to maintain momentum on their New Years resolutions. Surveys show that 80% of all New […]

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4 New Workout Classes to Try This Winter

Stuck in the same exercise routine? Then it’s time to change things up! If you’re accustomed to running on the treadmill or lifting weights on your own, we’d highly recommend […]

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Quick Snow Day Workout

Does the weather have you stuck inside the house? Are you still trying to get in a workout from the comfort of your own home? There is plenty of time […]

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8 Benefits of Kickboxing Fitness Classes

Ready to kick your workouts up a notch? Try cardio kickboxing class! Kickboxing is a high-energy aerobic class where participants practice a variety of martial arts moves. Find out what […]

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