Elite Blog

Aquatic Exercise: Not Just For “Grandmas” Anymore!

Aquatic exercises are safe, effective, and fun for all ages and athletic abilities. Water fitness programming has progressed and diversified over the past several years, seeing an increase in participation […]

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Member Stories: Maria Pascente, "I am in control!"

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be Elite, and how exercise […]

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What Can a Registered Dietitian Do for You?

If you have been following our blog for awhile, you have probably noticed the weekly posts from Elite Sports Clubs’ Registered Dietitian, Rita. However, many of you may not really […]

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Staff Stories: My First Half Marathon

Our members aren’t the only ones working towards goals and striving to become a better version of themselves. Elite Sports Clubs staff share some of their own stories about their […]

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Boxing: Not Just Sweaty Guys Breaking Noses

When I mention the word boxing, what image comes to mind? My guess would be two sweaty guys trying to pound each other in an attempt to earn the right […]

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7 Reasons You Should Try Boot Camp

Boot camp has become a popular exercise trend because of the intense combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises. Boot camp workouts are designed as a type of interval training—bursts […]

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Share Your Healthy Story!

Do you live an ELITE life? Elite Sports Clubs are not just a place to play tennis, or get in a good workout. We strive to fit your needs, fit […]

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Exercise Can Mean Quality Time With Your Loved Ones

Exercise and fitness are great ways to get out and have a good time with friends and family. Everyone is at different fitness levels, but there are plenty of options […]

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