Member Stories: Emily Sydnor "Motivation was the most difficult part."

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be Elite, and how exercise not only adds years to your life, but life to your years! Today we’d like to highlight another member’s accomplishments:

About a year ago, I had a bit of a wake up call. For a time prior, I was under a lot of stress and, in turn, gained a bit of weight. I knew I something needed to change.

My family joined Elite many years ago and I had always been around the club. I was a multi-sport athlete in high school, so I was no stranger to training and conditioning. Like most people, motivation was the most difficult part of change. Training for sports is much different, and in my opinion less difficult, than training for “pleasure.” When training for sports, coaches and other players are there to guide and motivate you through the process. When training by yourself, you have to push yourself.

Luckily, my mom has been going to Body Pump class at West Brookfield for years. I began going to Body Pump three mornings a week and developed relationships with the other members in the class. Having someone to workout with made the process so much easier. They were always so positive and complimented me as my weight loss became apparent.

After months of Body Pump class, cardio training, weight training, and watching what I ate, I lost 60 pounds. Everyone, including me, was so proud. My Body Pump family and support from family and friends were instrumental in my weight loss journey. Thank you, Elite, for helping me attain my goal!

Congratulations Emily for meeting your goal! Body Pump is a great class, and we are happy that along with support from others, it could help you lose weight.

For those of you out there still trying to lose the weight, have you considered incorporating regular exercise classes in your routine? Clearly it’s not just about exercise, it’s also very much about support and finding those who will help you push yourself.

What’s your favorite group exercise class? What about it makes the class “awesome”?

Submit your own “elite” story. Or tweet us @MyEliteStory with not just your major accomplishments, but also those little everyday wins too.