Elite Blog

Member Stories: 90+ Club – Jim Williams

When it comes to living a long life, one can assume that eating healthy and remaining active are the two key ingredients, but after talking to a few of our […]

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Ways to Honor Our Local Superheroes

With Memorial Day coming up, we reflect on those veterans in the greater Milwaukee area and nationwide who made the ultimate sacrifice. Here are some ideas on how to honor […]

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Outdoor Leg Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

When the weather’s just too nice, it’s hard to resist doing outdoor activities. Try these outdoor leg workouts no matter where you are! Whether you’re at the park or in […]

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Your Body’s Basic Metabolic Needs

Your body has basic metabolic needs. In essence, your body’s basic metabolic needs are what your body needs just to stay alive. These needs can be calculated to determine how […]

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Member Stories: 90+ Club – Inez Gilbert

When it comes to living a long life, one can assume that eating healthy and remaining active are the two key ingredients, but after talking to a few of our […]

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Your Superhero Workout

From resistance training and weight-lifting to sprinting and swimming, there are plenty of exercises you can do, inspired by your favorite superheroes! Here are a few ideas that, when put together, equal a […]

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Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance

For those of you with a routine of regular exercise, proper hydration and an adequate diet, have you ever wondered if dietary supplements could help you train harder, increase your […]

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Member Stories: 90+ Club – Jack Bryson

When it comes to living a long life, one can assume that eating healthy and remaining active are the two key ingredients, but after talking to a few of our […]

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