Topic: Wellness

Happiness Is Key To Success

Whether you’re at work, at home, or at the gym, you want to be productive. From getting a huge project done, getting a huge load of laundry done, or finally […]

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The Importance of a Mentor

Do you remember being a little kid? Did you look up to your local firemen, police force, doctor, parent, maybe the mailman or a teacher? It’s easy to have someone […]

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How to Age Backwards

Who wouldn’t want to age backwards?  I’m not talking about “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” backwards, I’m simply talking about turning back those clock hands a few years, keeping […]

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Embrace Your Quirks

The internet is ablaze with articles, blogs, songs, quotes, you name it…with body positivity. This is a great thing. Far too many people focus on the negatives when it comes […]

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What is Turmeric? How is it used? Supplement or Spice?

We have all probably heard of Turmeric but may not be using it consistently. Turmeric is an herbal perennial plant of the ginger family. It is native to southwest India requiring high […]

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5 Places to Find Inspiration

It can be difficult to find inspiration this time of year. It’s still cold, but spring is almost here. The buzz of the new year has worn off, there aren’t […]

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How to Be Your Own Hero

“Excelsior.” Excelsior is Latin for, “ever forward” or, “ever higher.” This is the motto of Stan Lee, creator of many of the comic book characters that light up movie screens all […]

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29 Things To Do On Leap Day (aka Bonus Day)

HAPPY BONUS DAY! CONGRATS! You got a whole extra 24 hours of time this year. What are you going to do with it? Go to work, go to the gym, hang […]

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