Topic: Wellness

Research Begins to Question Use of BMI – Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index (more commonly known as BMI) has been used by all health professionals and those in health insurance agencies for years to decide whether or not an individual is […]

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Why You Need to Make a Bucket List

Bucket Lists. Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman was in the movie Bucket List. And if Morgan Freeman played a man with a Bucket List, then you should have one too. While that is […]

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How to Lose 10 Pounds Instantly by Improving Your Posture

Want to instantly lose 10 pounds? It’s as easy as improving your posture. Simply by standing up straight, you can look like you’ve lost weight. But for some, standing up […]

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Life Is Hard. Here Are Some Quotes.

Difficult times are unavoidable. Whether you’re starting to struggle with getting tired from a fitness routine, you’re buried in work, or just all around burned out, sometimes it can be […]

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The Science Behind Creating A Habit

Are you looking to kick off the year with a new good habit? Maybe you need to ditch some bad ones? Have no fear, Elite (and science!) are here to help. You see, […]

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New Year Survival Tips

Here’s 5 simple tips to help you (and your diet and exercise program) survive well into the new year!

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Member Stories: Maria Franklin Raises Cervical Cancer Awareness

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise […]

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Go From Dream to Reality with These 3 Tricks

We all have dreams. We dream about that beach bod, we dream about losing a few pounds, we dream about a promotion or new car or new puppy, we all have […]

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