Topic: Wellness

Top 10 Benefits of Eating Kale

Kale is being dubbed the “new nutritional powerhouse.” Should we believe the hype? The answer is a simple, yes! Here are ten amazing nutritional benefits of adding kale to your […]

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How to Defeat Seasonal Depression

Once daylight saving time ends in Wisconsin, our days get shorter and shorter. If these darker days are zapping your energy and bringing you down, then this blog post is […]

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The Positive Effects Walking Has on the Body

Believe it or not, walking is a great activity for your body and mind. Not only is it easy to do, but it has many positive effects on the body. […]

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The Truth About Turkey Consumption and Fatigue

With the upcoming holiday season comes a certain food myth and we’ve all heard it; turkey makes you tired. True or False? We’ll finally put this myth to rest, along […]

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8 Reasons to Keep Moving

We’ve all heard that a sedentary lifestyle can do us more harm than good. But exactly how much more harm? The effects of being sedentary go far beyond what you […]

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Exercise and Care For An Injured Knee or Back

Injuries tend to plague the fitness world. With people injuring or developing bad knees and backs, it is important to know one’s limits and work out appropriately to prevent picking […]

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What Makes Apples So Great?

Fall is upon us and with it comes all the fun activities and seasonal delights associated with this time of year. One of the reasons that makes fall so wonderful […]

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9 Tips For Having a Healthy Thanksgiving

Let’s face it, Thanksgiving is primarily centered around food. Of course there’s a deeper meaning behind the holiday, but our celebrations generally focus on gravy-laden turkey, buttery mashed potatoes, stuffing, […]

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