Topic: Wellness

Healthy Advice for My Younger Self

Last month you may have noticed that many of our blog and social posts focused on getting kids to start learning about health and wellness at an early age. As […]

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How to Have a Worry-Free Vacation

Recently on a morning news show, the hosts reported on what they would do and not do on vacation. Not surprisingly, many of the group stated that they would do […]

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FEAR Has Two Meanings

I found this quote and it really resonated with me. “FEAR has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run OR Face Everything And Rise…The choice is yours.” I choose “Face Everything […]

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What Does it Really Take to Permanently Lose Weight?

Most of you know I’m formerly morbidly obese. Weighing in at 296lbs at 28 is not something I’m particularly proud of, but it’s something I refer back to from time […]

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Action Changes Things

I began writing this as I wait for a client who I surmise is not going to show for the appointment, today, since the appointment was to begin 15 minutes […]

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30 Songs to Get You Moving This Summer

Music and fitness go together like peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, or whichever other analogy you prefer. But why is music empowering and why does it make us […]

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Avoiding Dehydration in the Summer Heat

Summertime brings hot temperatures as well as many outdoor activities. With that being said, it is important to stay properly hydrated and know the signs of dehydration. Drinking the right […]

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How to Tell When It’s Time to Recover

I’m writing this with tired eyes and exhausted body…Yesterday was a particularly rough one, starting at 5 am and continuing until 7:15 pm. Three classes, clients through lunch, and just […]

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