Topic: Wellness

Exercises for the Super Mom

It can be difficult for busy moms to find time to work out or go to the gym. With Mother’s Day coming up, here is a list of 10 fun, […]

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Travel Workouts for the Car and Airplane

Are your frequent travels cutting into your time at the gym? You can make the most of your time on the plane or in the car with some simple stretches […]

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Why You Should Eat Local

For those of you who don’t know, April 14th (4/14) is Milwaukee Day! Check out the official website to learn more about how you can celebrate the great city of […]

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Staff Highlight: Tori Seiter

Tori Seiter is an awarded Massage Therapist, Thai Bodyworker, and Certified Health Coach at Elite Sports Clubs. After graduating from the University of Minnesota in Journalism, Tori followed a passion in bodywork. […]

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Eat Anything You Want: Luck Or Liability?

We all know someone who can eat whatever he or she wants and not gain a pound. Drives you nuts, doesn’t it? But, is it luck or liability to be […]

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Fitness Tips By The Decade

Part of why we exercise is so we can continue to stay active later in life and stave off any health problems we can potentially prevent. However, we can’t assume […]

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Maintaining Good Health Isn’t About Luck

You can roll the dice on a lot of things without much serious risk. Leaving the house without an umbrella, for instance, on a day with a 50 percent chance […]

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Defying Genetics With A Healthy Lifestyle

We get a lot of who we are from our parents or family tree. Maybe it’s our dad’s nose, our mom’s hair color, or that personality trait we saw in […]

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