Topic: Wellness

Yoga for Athletes

Yoga is not just for slim girls in yoga pants anymore. More athletes, including professionals, are finding the benefits of yoga. If you think yoga is a waste of your […]

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Diet vs. DNA: Which Really Determines Body Shape

We all have that one friend who can eat anything and never workout without any negative consequences. On the other hand, there’s the friend who eats healthy and is active […]

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Can You Look Healthy and Be Unhealthy?

The adage, “never judge a book by its cover,” can be tough to put into practice, especially when construed with fitness and health. For example, is it possible to look […]

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Treat Yourself to a Healthy Lifestyle

Have there ever been days where you felt like you were dealt a less-than-ideal hand in the card game of life? No doubt that there have been; we all get […]

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Learn to Love Your Body

Self-love is about acceptance and seeing yourself as the gift you are. How many of you can actually say that you love your body…EXACTLY the way it is? So often […]

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Fitness-Friendly Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is nearly here and everywhere we look there are advertisements for chocolates, candy, wine, and romantic dinners. Valentine’s Day has been labeled as a romantic holiday, and for […]

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Can a Weight Loss Plateau Be a Good Thing?

While they can be discouraging and destructive to your goals, a weight loss plateau is actually a really good thing, even if they last for a few weeks! Read on […]

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3 Tips to Avoid Winter Burnout

As winter rolls along, more and more people may begin to feel the effects of burnout and others may experience SAD. Whether it’s our work-life balance, home life, relationships, workouts, […]

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