Tagged: muscle soreness

Body Science: Myths About Lactic Acid

What’s going on within your body when you are 47 reps deep into curls and have had zero rest time? Is it lactic acid? Ruptured biceps? Soul combustion? Or something […]

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Travel Workouts for the Car and Airplane

Are your frequent travels cutting into your time at the gym? You can make the most of your time on the plane or in the car with some simple stretches […]

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Is Muscle Soreness Good or Bad?

We’ve all been there when we go to the gym and have a fantastic workout. We’re feeling great, strong, and fit. Then a day or two later, we wake up […]

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How To Maximize Muscle Recovery After A Workout

Maximizing muscle recovery should be a key part of your fitness plan. The sooner your muscles recover, the less you will feel sore, and the sooner they can be efficient […]

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6 Ways to Avoid Burnout

You may have started the year with the best of intentions, vowing to exercise more, but after a few weeks of trying to stick to your resolutions, you may be […]

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Benefits of Steam Room Therapy

Detox and rejuvenate your body in one of our steam rooms conveniently located at each of our Elite Sports Clubs locations. Towels are provided for all individuals who wish to partake […]

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