Topic: Fitness & Training

Instructor Highlight: Taylor Thompson

We’d love for you to meet Taylor Thompson, a group exercise instructor, nutritionist, and certified personal trainer at our Elite Sports Club – Brookfield location. Keep reading to get to know […]

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Why Heart Rate Monitoring Matters

Every week, I train folks and teach classes, and the question pops up about heart rate. What is the proper heart rate range, and what does it mean? It can […]

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Instructor Highlight: Sarah Sullivan

Some of you may know Sarah Sullivan as the Aquatics Director at our Elite Sports Club – River Glen location. She’s actively involved in the maintenance and scheduling of the indoor and […]

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Core Exercises for Runners

With summer fast approaching and the weather starting to get nicer, people are going to be heading outside to start running more in the fresh air. Some will run just […]

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How to Overcome Failure

How do you succeed when others (and maybe you too) have previously failed? You’ve tried everything. You’ve gone on all of the diets. You’ve followed them to the letter. You’ve exercised. […]

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Why There’s No Such Thing as the Best Exercise

Last week we discussed the new and intriguing field of “nutrigenetics“, and how all of us, while we share a lot in common, do have individual differences in how our […]

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10 Reasons to Not Give Up on Your Fitness Resolutions

Did you make New Year’s fitness resolutions this year? If you’re having a difficult time sticking with it, or even if it has completely fallen to the wayside, don’t despair. […]

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Bring a Fresh Start to Your Routine with a Spring Workout Makeover

Spring is here, so get ready to shed the winter blues and spring into a new season! Spring is a time of renewal, so it’s the perfect time to revitalize […]

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