Topic: Fitness & Training

30 Songs to Get You Moving This Summer

Music and fitness go together like peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, or whichever other analogy you prefer. But why is music empowering and why does it make us […]

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Staying Fit On-the-Go

We get it. Getting a good workout in when you’re on the road is often easier said than done. But with a bit of creativity, you can stay fit on-the-go, […]

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Biking for Fitness

Cycling is a great way to get in shape and stay in shape. It burns a ton of calories, gets your heart rate and metabolism revved up, and builds muscle. […]

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Movement Patterns for Strength Training

Whether you are an aspiring bodybuilder or want to improve overall fitness, there are six basic movement patterns we all use that makes understanding strength training simple. It is these […]

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Fitness for the Garden

Prepare your body for yard work and gardening this summer! To help, we’re hosting a free Fitness for Yard Work and Gardening Workshop. This workshop will give you exercises to […]

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Try These Fun Spring Outdoor Exercise Ideas!

I spend a lot of time in the gym working out, both by teaching classes, and training clients in groups and individually. Sometimes you just need a break from the […]

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Agility Training: Not Just for Professional Athletes

Agility training isn’t just for the hardcore professional athlete. It’s for anyone who is looking for improvement in speed, adaptability on your feet, balance, coordination, reflexes, and neuromuscular awareness.

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An Introduction to Mat & Reformer Pilates

“The Pilates method of body conditioning is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit.” (Joseph Pilates) We’re excited to re-introduce mat pilates and reformer pilates training as a part of […]

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