Topic: Fitness & Training

Ten Quick Tips to Improve Your Tennis Game

If you find yourself struggling with some tennis basics, take a look at these quick tips to improve your game. It’s important to remember that there is no perfect way […]

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Yin and Yang: The Power of Yoga

It is amazing that a 5000 year old tradition has become such a popular way of life today. The power of yoga lies in its simplicity, flexibility, and diversity. The benefits range from inner […]

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Shape Your Butt with Lateral Band Walks

Lateral band walks, also called lateral monster walks, are a great way to sculpt your leg and gluteal muscles. This exercise utilizes bands to create resistance and targets lower body […]

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Member Stories: Mike Sendelbach – MyZone Keeps Me Motivated

Several years ago, Mike Sendelbach shared his account of how he developed his love for cycling and spin class at Elite Sports Clubs. “Bandana Mike,” as he is commonly known […]

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Can Push-Ups Be an Indicator of Heart Health?

Typically, a treadmill test is used to evaluate an individual’s cardiovascular health. However, a recent study conducted out of Harvard Medical School shows that the ability to perform push-ups might […]

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How to Keep Your Joints Healthy in 4 Easy Steps

Many of us struggle with joint issues, whether they are old injuries, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Osteo-Arthritis. Changes in the weather can exacerbate these problems, and pain rears its ugly head. […]

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Can Prolonged Sitting Offset the Benefits of Exercise?

Sitting for long periods of time tightens our muscles (not in a good way), slows our metabolism, and can affect our body internally. What if you exercise a little bit […]

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4 Healthy Lifestyle Reminders for Summer

Summer is typically the season for tailgating, backyard barbecues, weddings, and festivals. While it’s ok to indulge and have fun, also don’t forget about your health and fitness goals. Here […]

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