FREE 1-Month Push-Up Challenge

1-Month Push-Up Challenge

The Elite Sports Clubs Push-Up Challenge

Have you been wanting to see more definition in your arms, shoulders, and core?  Have you been looking to increase your upper body strength? Is osteoporosis a concern for you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then take the 1-Month Push-Up Challenge!

Do More Push-Ups

The traditional push-up is an exercise that will address all of the above concerns. When done properly, push-ups will not only activate and strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps, but it will also engage your core muscles. Since it is also a weight-bearing exercise, when the intensity is there, it can help improve bone density.

How to Do a Push-Up

There are many variations of push-ups and choosing the correct place to start is crucial to reaching your goals. The traditional push-up is performed on your hands and toes with your knees off of the ground. To protect the shoulder and put it in the optimal position, your elbow should always be at an angle down towards your hips from your shoulder height. You should also place an emphasis on making sure that your entire hand is pressed firmly into the floor as if you are trying to make the perfect handprint in wet cement. By doing so, you will help keep your wrist in good alignment. If while trying to perform a push-up in this position you feel discomfort in your lower back, shoulders, or simply cannot lower your body down to a right angle at the elbow or your hips drop and you arch your lower back, you will want to perform a modified version. A modified version can be done either from your knees or standing up with your hands placed against a wall until you can build the upper body and core strength to perform the movement from your toes.

Take the 1-Month Challenge!

If you want to benefit from all these positive outcomes, take the 1-Month Push-Up Challenge! By consistently challenging yourself and performing the exercise, you will get stronger. The goal is to be able to perform more push-ups at the end of the month than you can at the beginning.

You can download our FREE 1-Month Push-Up Challenge Progress Card that will help you strengthen your arms, chest, and shoulders, as well as increase your bone density! The 1-Month Push-Up Challenge includes:

  • Monthly Push-Up Progress Chart
  • Graphics demonstrating push-up variations

Download and print the PDF so you can fill it out at home or the gym. It also can be easily viewed on a smartphone.

Fill out the form below and we’ll send you an email with a download link. If you are ready to kickstart your fitness journey, let the experts at Elite Sports Clubs help. Our advanced fitness facilities contain all of the equipment you need to set yourself up for success. We also offer group fitness classes, personal training, advanced membership amenities, and so much more. With a specialty in fun fitness sports, we make working out enjoyable. Contact our fitness experts to get started today!

Get your FREE 1-Month Push-Up Challenge!