If you find difficulty in prioritizing your health and wellness, you’re most definitely not alone. Many of us know we have to exercise and eat healthy, but sometimes other commitments get in the way. One of our members, Nicole Giese, shared with us her personal account of exactly that, but how she was able to overcome her challenges with the help of Elite’s membership features.
1. How are you able to prioritize fitness while still having to manage your children?
I first joined Elite when I had three children 3 years old and under. I hadn’t prioritized my health and fitness for a long time and didn’t even know where to start. Fortunately, Elite helped to make that easy. The childcare is top notch and immediately put me at ease trusting my little ones in their care so I could begin the journey of prioritizing my self-care again.
Ms. Apinya and the rest of the staff at the North Shore location in particular have become like family to us. My children, who now range from ages 4 to 8 years old, still look forward to going to the club with me. This fantastic childcare staff continues to make them feel known, cared for, and provide a special and enjoyable experience. Throughout the years, if I was ever dragging on getting to the gym, my children and their excitement and expectation of going would help to motivate and push me.
2. Why were you hesitant to try group exercise classes at first?
At first, I was hesitant to work out in the group setting because I hadn’t exercised in so long and I no longer felt strong or confident in my physical abilities. As a result, I decided to ease myself back into working out and thought the best place to start would be yoga. I found yoga to be a safe space to relax, to receive instruction in a calm and soothing manner (which was a welcome break after being at home with 3 little ones all the time), and to get back to knowing and understanding my body again at my own individualized pace. Don’t get me wrong, while I found yoga to be relaxing and calm, I also found myself being physically challenged.
For the first time in a long time I was setting and meeting physical goals and began to feel strong and confident again. Through this regained confidence, I was able to push my comfort zones and try a variety of classes – all of which I’ve really enjoyed.

Nicole Giese and instructor Christine McBride after her favorite spin class
3. What is your favorite thing about group ex? About Elite in general?
My favorite thing about participating in group exercise classes has been the ways that I’ve been physically challenged and motivated beyond what I would be pushing myself to do on my own. So many of the instructors are extremely gifted at what they do and I have met and surpassed fitness goals that I wouldn’t have thought possible just a few years ago. Additionally, I’ve met some wonderful people that I now get to call friends. We often enjoy our “Coffee Talk” immediately after class just to have some social time together.

Nicole Giese and friends during “Coffee Talk”
4. Any advice for people that might be in the same situation you were awhile back?
My advice would be to take a chance. Prioritize your self-care and step outside of your comfort zone – you just might be pleasantly surprised at what awaits you on the other side.
Share your own story! Whether it be of weight loss, conquering that first race, improving your tennis rating, accomplishing a goal, or some other unique aspect of your life that makes you ELITE!
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