Tagged: muscle recovery

5 Benefits of Post-Workout Massage

Muscles are damaged in the gym, but built in recovery. Elite Sports Clubs offers massage at several of its locations, allowing you take to take advantage of the post-workout benefits […]

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Workout Recovery with HydroMassage

Working out is only one component of getting fit. The other component is recovery. You need to give your body ample time to repair tissue in order to build muscle. […]

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Even Superheroes Have Limits

Have you ever taken inspiration from your favorite comic book heroes? You can envision being fast like the Flash or as strong as Superman. But even those characters have weaknesses […]

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Is Muscle Soreness Good or Bad?

We’ve all been there when we go to the gym and have a fantastic workout. We’re feeling great, strong, and fit. Then a day or two later, we wake up […]

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How To Maximize Muscle Recovery After A Workout

Maximizing muscle recovery should be a key part of your fitness plan. The sooner your muscles recover, the less you will feel sore, and the sooner they can be efficient […]

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