Elite Blog

Metabolism Changes as We Age

As we age, many people blame weight gain on a slowing metabolism. While it is true that metabolism does decrease slightly with age, there are many other factors influencing aging […]

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Instructor Highlight: Laura Lennie

We welcome our new water aerobics instructor, Laura Lennie, to Elite-Mequon! Learn more about Laura’s classes, how she stays fit outside of teaching, and some helpful tips for our members.

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Sauna and Steam Room Experience and Etiquette

One of the many amenities offered at Elite Sports Clubs are the sauna and/or steam rooms. These warm spaces provide a wonderfully rewarding post-workout experience great for relaxation. If you […]

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Getting Started with Myzone

Have you noticed monitors around the clubs displaying names with a variety of colored panels and wondered what exactly is going on? We’ve adopted a new personal fitness tracking program […]

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Table Salt vs. Sea Salt: Which is Healthier?

The popularity of sea salt has increased greatly over the years. Celtic sea salt, Pink Himalayan sea salt, and Black Hawaiian sea salt are just a few of the common […]

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Fitness Tips for Staying Motivated

As we move into the fall and winter months, you may start to feel less motivated to exercise. Don’t stop, just change what you’re doing to stay interested and engaged. […]

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Pain in Your Back, Hips, Knees, or Ankles During Yoga

To round out and complete our series on preventing and managing pain during your yoga practice we’ll talk about how to deal with issues in your lower body. Particularly I’m going […]

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When Your Workout Doesn’t Go As Planned

As is true in life, your workouts don’t always go according to plan. It’s so easy to get comfortable with a routine, and when something falls out of place, it […]

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