Tagged: valentines day

Getting Fit for February

February is American Heart Month, a national initiative that educates and encourages everyone to engage in behaviors good for heart health. February is also the month where love is in […]

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Valentine’s Day Red Velvet Brownie Recipe

Want to create a delectable treat for you and your significant other this Valentine’s Day but want to avoid lots of added sugar and calories? Try this red velvet brownie […]

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Valentine’s Day Healthy Meals for Two

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to spend time with your significant other and have a romantic date. Most often, couples eat candy, chocolates, and high-calorie dinners. Instead, spend this […]

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Fitness-Friendly Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is nearly here and everywhere we look there are advertisements for chocolates, candy, wine, and romantic dinners. Valentine’s Day has been labeled as a romantic holiday, and for […]

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How to Avoid Weight Gain When You’re In Love

You wake up and the birds are chirping, the sunlight is beaming through your windows, and you feel like you’re in one of those glorious Folger’s commercials. Congratulations, my friend, […]

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