Elite Blog

Member Stories: Trish Meyers "A Second Home"

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise […]

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How Cyclists Can Benefit From Yoga

Awhile ago I read a long article on yoga for cyclists I decided to rewrite my own version in a shorter format for this blog, as it very beneficial to […]

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Fiber! Part 2: The Downfalls of Eating Fiber

This is Part 2 in a 4-part series on the wonderful world of FIBER! (Read Part 1 here.) In recent years, fibrous foods have received praise for their health benefits. Dietitians and […]

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Member Stories: Annie Moeckler "Part of an Awesome Family!"

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be Elite, and how exercise […]

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Get a Grip on Your Tennis Game

Have you ever tried throwing an old warn-down football? That’s one slippery little bugger without its pebbles. Just like the pebbles on a football help players make those clutch catches, […]

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Fiber! Part 1: Types, Sources, & Recommended Intake

Fiber is critical for every adult and child in this country. In the future, it may be the difference between health and disease; and between living a shortened or longer […]

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New Group Exercise Class Schedules

We’re constantly revamping our group exercise class schedule to offer our members new options and to make sure we are providing you with a variety of classes which support the […]

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8 Things to Remember for Indoor Tennis Season

It’s that time of the year again, tennis players – we’re bringing the matches inside! So for all you indoor tennis lovers, here are some things to remember as you […]

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