Elite Blog

Fit for Fall: Exercise & Activity Ideas for Cooler Weather

Here in Wisconsin we have been far from the “frozen tundra” our state has been so fondly nicknamed. Granted, it’s only October, but this time of year tends to be […]

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9 Tips to Pack Your Snacks & Meals Full of Nutrient-Rich Foods

You should enjoy your diet! Believe it or not, nutrient-rich foods are familiar, easy to find, and represent the five basic food groups, therefore achieving balance and building a healthier […]

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Staff Stories: "Our decision was simple."

In 1999 my mother was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. She went through a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation and seemed to be on the road to recovery. We were very […]

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The 3 Most Popular (and Important) Questions About Tennis String–Answered!

Many times the blame for a missed shot is placed on the racquet in hand, though if you make the shot no credit is given. Why do we blame an […]

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Preparing for Fitness

Making physical activity a part of your daily life isn’t an easy undertaking. It takes dedication, will power, patience, and a lot of hard work. But believe it or not, […]

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How Can I Get Enough Calcium in My Diet If I Follow a Vegan Lifestyle?

For those of you who choose to follow a vegan or even vegetarian lifestyle, you know best that sometimes one needs to get creative with their food to get all […]

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Guest Post: After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

This post is brought to you by ABCD: After Breast Cancer Diagnosis, a local breast cancer charity and mentoring program.

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Elite Tennis Program Policies

Looking to get more involved in the tennis programs offered here at Elite? Excellent! In today’s post we’ll run through how to get started, policies and some of the perks […]

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