Elite Blog

How Yoga Healed My Back & Could Help You Too

In 1970, I had a terrible back problem. I went to my doctor and he gave me a prescription for muscle relaxers and told me to take them and go to bed for […]

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Marinated Shrimp Salad with Avocado Recipe

Enjoy shrimp in a salad with this easy, fresh recipe for marinated shrimp salad with avocado. Drizzle with a homemade citrus vinaigrette for a perfect punch of flavor!

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Do Body Weight Exercises Actually Work?

Is it possible to get a great workout without any equipment? ABsolutely! If it comes down to it, you literally need only your body to exercise efficiently and effectively. Each […]

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The 7 Color Food Groups That Help Fight Cancer

As mentioned in my previous blog post, scientists have identified naturally occurring substances in foods that have the power to defuse potential carcinogens. Some of these substances are thought to […]

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How to Have the Best Possible Group Exercise Experience

Staying motivated to workout or push yourself hard enough to break a real sweat can be difficult, especially when you’re doing it on your own. Group exercise classes may be […]

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Why Salt Water Instead of a Chemical Chlorine Pool System?

When I tell guests that Elite’s pools are salt water they are very surprised. Most people in our area have never heard of a salt water pool. The first question they ask […]

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Think You Are Eating Enough Fruits & Vegetables? EAT MORE!

How many servings of fruits and vegetables do adults actually need per day? 5-servings per day will be sufficient to supply needed nutrients. A serving is considered ½-cup cooked vegetables […]

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How to Play Well With Others in the Fitness Center

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom took you to the playground? You’d leap from the car and make a beeline for the place every kid loved to […]

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