Elite Blog

10 of the Less Obvious Things to Look for When Choosing a Health Club

I’ve worked in the fitness industry professionally since 2006 and really have been around in other capacities working since I was 14 years old. So needless to say, I’ve seen a […]

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The Link Between Diet & the Development of Some Diseases

How does diet affect certain disease processes? Can our diet choices have an effect on our personal health risk outcomes? Many factors influence the development of diseases like cancer. Over […]

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How To Maintain Your Workout Routine On The Road

There are two types of travel; vacation (yay!!) and business trips.  And when it comes to your fitness efforts, both are equally capable of throwing a sizable wrench into your […]

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How to Tell if You are Overtraining & How to Prevent It

Last week we gave a brief description of overtraining, who is susceptible, how it occurs, and the mechanisms. Now we’d like to cover the mechanisms of overtraining, the signs and […]

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Member Stories: Christine McBride "It really is a fantastic place for children and families"

We’re extremely proud of our members. Over the years their work out agendas and sporting endeavors serve as healthy examples of how it feels to be “Elite,” and how exercise […]

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Home Grown and Fabulously Fresh

Whether you want to become more self-sufficient or just enjoy being able to really “make a meal from scratch,” growing an edible garden is something a lot of people are digging […]

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8 Tips for Exercising More Effectively

There are those members that come in and barely get to a point of sweating and it’s off to the showers. Others work very hard and are breaking a heavy […]

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Oven Roasted Asparagus Recipe

Prepare at the last minute before serving your dinner! Dry heat in the oven or on the grill is a favorite way to cook many vegetables, including asparagus. If you […]

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