Elite Blog

6 Food Rules to Keep Your Weight Loss Resolution Going

It seems that a majority of people cannot agree on anything; tastes great or less filling, original Star Wars or digitally enhanced, David Lee Roth or Sammy Hager, etc. But the one […]

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Learning to Cook with Grains

Many people love to try eating several of the New Grain Products available on the market! However, when it comes to preparing them at home it can be difficult figuring out […]

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Progress in Your Yoga Practice

There are endless amounts of benefits of practicing yoga. Yoga has become more popular yet many men (and women) consider yoga to be for women. At Elite I have seen […]

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How to Support Your Partner’s Weight Loss

Picture this: Your thoughtful neighbor from across the street decides to make some delicious, but not-so-healthy, donuts for you and your significant other. By the end of the week, there […]

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5 Ways Women Can Protect Their Hearts

Just as women are different in build than men, so are their hearts different. However for years physicians seemed to feel that men were more prone to heart attacks than […]

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Purge These Foods From Your Kitchen for Weight Loss Success

If any of us were to go into your kitchen tonight we would see many of the things we often count on for meals and snacks. Often they come in bright […]

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A Peek Inside a Diabetic’s Kitchen Pantry

3 weeks into the New Year, I am very proud of the progress I have made toward my goals of being the healthiest person that I can be.  I am […]

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10 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Losing weight can be a tricky feat. You may think you are taking all the right steps to cutting extra pounds, but the scale and the button on your jeans are telling […]

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