Elite Blog

Why You Should Start Swimming for Exercise

After an invigorating workout full of sweat (and maybe some tears), you feel great. Your blood is pumping, you have more energy, and you feel as if you can take […]

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What Foods Make You Feel Satisfied Quicker and Longer?

All foods are made of protein, fat, and/or carbohydrates. The meals and snacks that are the most satisfying, and keep you feeling comfortable the longest, are comprised of all three.

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10 Easy and Effective Ways to Become More Active

We have all heard this,  “A body in motion stays in motion, a body in rest stays at rest.”  The concept, as much as it probably goes in one ear and out […]

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Resolution Revisited

Thinking back to January 1st, you perhaps set a new year’s resolution for yourself. Maybe it was to get fit, lose weight, save money, or eat better. Perhaps it was […]

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How Does Your Body Use Carbohydrates?

The role of carbohydrates in the body includes providing energy for working muscles, providing fuel for the central nervous system, enabling fat metabolism, and preventing protein from being used as energy. That […]

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Navigating Your 30s: The Silent Awkward Stage and How to Find Balance

“Everything I know I learned after I was thirty.” -Georges Clemenceau When we think of growing up, and the many awkward moments that accompany us for years, adolescence often comes to […]

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Everyday Exercises Anyone Can Do: Lunge Variations

If you’re looking for a lower body exercise that challenges your balance, core strength and stability, and all of the muscles in your legs, the lunge is a great place […]

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The Truth About Carbohydrates

If you are among the many club members who are trying to put together the right combination of foods to match their dietary and fitness goals, then you may find it […]

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