Elite Blog

What Not to Wear to the Gym

Getting yourself to the gym requires motivation, but believe it or not, what you wear plays a big part in your success. Baggy sweats and cotton T-shirts may be comfortable, […]

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7 Reasons You DON’T Need to "Start" on a Monday

Does this sound familiar? You snuck a donut from the office café, then decided to have an extra serving of pasta for dinner, then thought, “It’s okay, I will start […]

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When is the Best Time of Day to Workout?

There are benefits to both morning and evening workouts. In the morning your body is freshly rested, and working out first thing will jump start your metabolism and give you […]

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Planning for a Successful Dietary Overhaul? Get the Facts First!

The newest Dietary Guidelines from the USDA will be out later in 2015. If you and your family are thinking about making improvements in the way you eat, take a look […]

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20 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health and Wellness

Have you ever just sat down and said to yourself, “I need to become happier and healthier.” Seems like a pretty vague statement, doesn’t it? When you take on such […]

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Understanding Your Cardio Machine: What are Watts?

Watts. It is that number that you often see scroll across your display on the exercise bike or elliptical. It changes all the time, and you might not realize what […]

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New (Healthier) Versions of Old Favorites: Chips & Bread

There are lots of new products available for us to try! Many are in response to individuals needs to have lower salt and lower fat varieties of everyday potato chips. But […]

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Superfoods to Maximize Your Recovery After Injury

Experiencing an injury can be devastating, not only physically but also, emotionally.  Injury catches us completely off-guard and can even stop the best of athletes dead in their tracks.  Often, […]

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