Topic: Wellness

Self-Defense Makes Good Sense

As a woman, and even for some men, it is easy to feel vulnerable, especially when alone in a large city. Not that you should constantly be afraid, but it’s […]

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Boosting Your Self-Esteem Through Fitness

We are all our own worst critics, and your perceptions of your own capabilities play a part in negative thinking. In today’s blog, let’s focus on increasing your self-esteem and […]

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Active Play at the Quad

In a world where technology becomes somewhat of a necessity in a lot of our lives, unfortunately it also becomes a major distraction, especially for kids. Taking breaks from screen […]

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Make A Splash with Elite’s Aquatic Exercise Classes

It doesn’t matter if you’re a child, a senior or somewhere in between: Elite has plenty of water exercise classes for all ages! Given the many benefits of exercising in […]

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The Importance of Using Sunscreen

While summer is the best time of year to be active outdoors, we often forget about protecting ourselves. Here are some sunscreen tips to ensure that you’re properly prepared for fun […]

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Activities on Southeastern Wisconsin Waterways

Our community is full of rivers, lakes, and other refreshing areas for plenty of fun activities on the water all summer! In this blog, we’ll give you a rundown of […]

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The Benefits of Youth Soccer

Summer is the perfect time to introduce your kids to all the positive attributes of team sports. And what better way to get them active than with soccer? Here are […]

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5 Tips to Get Back on the Fitness Wagon

It can be easy to get out of your routine and fall off the fitness wagon. Exercise sometimes gets replaced by overindulging in food and drinks. But guess what, it’s […]

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