Elite Blog

Red, White, and Blue Watermelon "Sundae" Recipe

This is a fun and healthy way to incorporate a little patriotism into your dessert for holiday picnics!

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Don’t Miss Out on the Benefits of a Little "R & R"

Go ahead! Take a break! We are giving you full permission to do so. But don’t just curl up on your couch with a bowl of popcorn and binge-watch (insert […]

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5 Everyday Stretches for Tennis Players

Tennis need not be strenuous on your joints and muscles. Some simple everyday stretches can help prevent wear and tear on your body. Here are 5 to do just that.

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How to Break Through Mental Barriers to Accomplish Your Goals

Many of us have lost weight at some point in our lives. But not quite so many have kept it off. So today, let’s explore one of the reasons you might […]

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Black Bean Dip with Fresh Lime & Homemade Pita Chips Recipe

Getting a little tired of chips and salsa or guacamole at your family picnics or Brewers tailgate parties? Maybe it’s about time you tried this simple black bean dip recipe. […]

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Get Your Zen on the Water with Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga

Some of you may be familiar with what has become a popular summer past time, stand up paddle boarding, or “SUP” for short. It’s a simple concept, stand up on […]

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Healthy Summer Bucket List

Summer will be over before you know it, and you’ll want to make sure to cram in as many fun (and healthy) summertime activities before the sun starts setting right after work and the mercury drops into the single digits. Here are a few things on our summer bucket list:

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Long-Term Consistency Trumps Short-Term Intensity

One of the most common questions we get is “can you get my son/daughter in shape for X sport in 5 or 6 weeks?” The answer is yes, we can get […]

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