Elite Blog

Raising Healthy Eaters from Preschool to High School

Food, nutrition, and eating skills are among the most important things you can share with children — food to fuel busy, successful lives, nutrition to nourish strong bodies and smart brains, and […]

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The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Weight Loss

You know you can’t believe everything you read, and it seems a regular thing for weight loss fads and trends to enter the media. How do you sort the fact […]

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3 Tips for How to Make a Decision (the Right Way)

Setting and achieving personal goals can be a daunting process. One of the most difficult steps is making a decision of what it actually is that we would like to achieve. […]

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Right-Sized Portions for Your Toddler

Very young children need the same variety of nutrient-rich foods as older kids and adults, just in much smaller quantities. As portions have gotten bigger, some parents and caregivers have […]

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How to Prevent & Treat Common Dance Injuries

Dancers, like any other athlete, put their blood, sweat and tears into their work. Rehearsing for hours and hours to get the choreography just right takes a toll on the body and […]

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Are You Willing to FAIL in Order to Succeed?

“I need to lose weight in 3 weeks for …” “I want to get rid of my belly fat as quickly as possible…” ”I need to lose 25 lb in […]

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10 Exercise Myths

Everyone’s looking to maximize their results in the gym, and many people are in a hurry to reach their goals. Many people head to the gym with knowledge they believe […]

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When’s the Last Time You Tried Something New?

Joining a new fitness club is always a little daunting. A new building, new people and new equipment can be an overwhelming experience. With the right staff and environment, your experience should […]

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