Elite Blog

Grilled Vegetable Panini Recipe

This recipe originally appeared in the Fall 2014 edition of our seasonal magazine. We don’t always need to have meat in our sandwich. Try this selection with cheese and end of […]

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Fitness Inspired Halloween Costumes

If you’re anything like us, you love fitness. And that love tends to constantly creep into other aspects of your life. You live, breathe, and wear it EVERY—SINGLE—DAY…and Halloween is […]

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The Most Unique Tennis Courts of the World

  One of the best things about tennis is that it can be played just about anywhere. There are many unique and amazing courts across the globe that will blow […]

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5 Workouts You Can Do as a Family

Now that we’re more than a month into the school year, you may be having a hard time finding time to spend together as a family, let alone get in a […]

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Berry Pie Recipe: Easy & Light Dessert

This light and easy pie recipe is a great end of summer, or all year round, dessert that everyone will enjoy. Few calories and lots of fruit makes this easily-prepared pie […]

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Staff Stories: The Relationship Between Weight Loss and Muscle

Aside from being eye candy, muscle does some really important things for your overall health. At the bottom of this article, there is a video. This is a Q&A session […]

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What Will Exercise Be Like in 100 Years?

It’s a fact that time changes things. New theories develop, technologies are created, and before you know it yesterday’s norm has evolved to something completely different today. Exercise is no […]

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Buddy Workout: 3 Exercises You Can Do With a Partner

Now that you have your new workout buddy (still don’t? refer someone today!) you’ll need some fun workouts you can do TOGETHER! Check out this list of great partner workouts […]

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