Topic: Wellness

The Importance of Setting Small Goals

We all want to accomplish our big goals. Lose 10 pounds, buy a car, take more time for yourself. The list can go on and on. But with our eyes […]

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Skin Statistics You Should Know

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Skin plays a vital role in detecting hot or cold, regulating body temperature, and protecting our muscles, internal bones, and organs. […]

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Tips to Protect Your Skin

It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting warmer and the sun is higher in the sky. Therefore, it is important to understand that the sun can be […]

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Can Prolonged Sitting Offset the Benefits of Exercise?

Sitting for long periods of time tightens our muscles (not in a good way), slows our metabolism, and can affect our body internally. What if you exercise a little bit […]

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4 Healthy Lifestyle Reminders for Summer

Summer is typically the season for tailgating, backyard barbecues, weddings, and festivals. While it’s ok to indulge and have fun, also don’t forget about your health and fitness goals. Here […]

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How Physical Activity Affects Your Brain

It is widely known that physical activity is good for the body. Often overlooked though, is how exercise is crucial for your mental health as well. Regular exercise has a […]

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Find Your Quiet Place

Noise pollution is among many factors that can trigger your body’s stress response, which can negatively impact your health. If you deal with chronic stress, or just want to take […]

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How to Know if Your Stress is Good or Bad

Many of us perceive stress as unhealthy, but stress isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. Stress can be healthy when avoiding an accident or meeting a tight deadline. We all […]

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