Tagged: certified instructors

Instructor Highlight: Katie Van Arendonk

Katie Van Arendonk is a certified yoga instructor at Elite Sports Club-Brookfield. Learn about Katie’s background teaching yoga in Milwaukee!

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Instructor Highlight: Ellen Nagy

Ellen Nagy is a certified group exercise instructor at Elite Sports Clubs. Ellen shares a special connection with her class participants and loves to help them along on their fitness […]

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Instructor Highlight: Maria Cartagenova

Maria Cartagenova is a certified Zumba instructor at Elite Sports Clubs. Learn more about Maria and how you can get more involved in Zumba classes in Milwaukee!

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Instructor Highlight: Danielle Hawi

Danielle Hawi is a certified group exercise instructor at Elite Sports Clubs. Learn why Danielle made the switch from class participant to instructor, and her advice on staying motivated.

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Instructor Highlight: Jamie Wimberly

Jamie Wimberly is a certified group fitness instructor at Elite Sports Club-Brookfield currently teaching Les Mills classes. As a former participant, she understands the struggles people go through and makes […]

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Instructor Highlight: Kristen Marticke

Looking for a challenging, yet rewarding spin class? Look no further, Kristen’s the instructor for you! Kristen’s style of instruction focuses on rhythm riding, which is an energetic and fun […]

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Instructor Highlight: Jessica Peterson

Jessica Peterson recently joined Elite’s incredible team of certified group exercise instructors. Because she enjoyed BodyPump so much as a participant, she decided to bring her passion for the class […]

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Instructor Highlight: Laura Lennie

We welcome our new water aerobics instructor, Laura Lennie, to Elite-Mequon! Learn more about Laura’s classes, how she stays fit outside of teaching, and some helpful tips for our members.

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6 Fun Body Facts

Here are a few facts about your body. How many do you know? How heavy is the average human head? How much blood does the normal human body contain? About […]

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Instructor Highlight: Deborah Cohen-Smith

Elite welcomes Deborah Cohen-Smith to its already immensely talented roster of group exercise instructors. Find out what classes she teaches and how you can join in the fun!

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