Topic: Fitness & Training

7 Smart Ways to Avoid a Winter Workout Rut

The weather outside might be frightful, but that doesn’t mean that winter workouts can’t be delightful! The cold, dark days can make it tempting to skip a workout in favor […]

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Your Guide on Functional Exercise and Functional Strength

The fitness industry is so full of buzz words that it can get overwhelming at times. Fascia, SMR, functional exercise, functional strength, body weight training, HIIT…it’s dizzying how the industry […]

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Crafting the Perfect New Year’s Resolutions

With the New Year approaching, it is time for people to start thinking of their possible New Year’s resolutions. The practice of setting New Year’s resolutions might be cliche, but […]

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The Benefits of Winter Workouts

Show of hands: How many of you get excited about gearing up with cold weather apparel to go outside and exercise? Okay, so we can’t see your hands through our […]

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Finding Time for Fitness Through the Holidays

Ready or not, December is upon us. You’ve survived Halloween and Thanksgiving and now it’s time to make sure you get through Christmas and the New Year without ruining all […]

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How To Maximize Muscle Recovery After A Workout

Maximizing muscle recovery should be a key part of your fitness plan. The sooner your muscles recover, the less you will feel sore, and the sooner they can be efficient […]

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4 Steps to Get Motivated for Your Workout

When the holidays roll around, it’s all too easy to get out of tune with your fitness routine. The shopping, cooking, and traveling takes up a lot of your time […]

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Keep Your Summer Body All Winter Long

Winter has moved in on us here in Wisconsin, so now is the time for cozy layers, comfort foods, relaxation, and hibernation, right? Wrong! At least, not if you want […]

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